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Your Personal Brand

July 01, 20244 min read

Your Personal Brand is all about you. 

You have a Personal Brand whether you are intentional about it or not. It is all about you that is left behind in the room you have just left.

What does that mean? 

However  you show up, that is your brand. It is the impression you make representing yourself on behalf of your employer or as the sole representative of your own business. Often it is referred to in the commercial branding of the business, the website, the logo, the colours, the way the business is presented. 

But what about you? 

Your personal brand isn't just about your skills or expertise. It is intricately tied to the way you present yourself, particularly through your clothing choices, style, and the colours you wear.

So, what exactly is personal branding? Think of it as the unique combination of qualities and characteristics that define you and set you apart from others. It's the impression you leave on people, the perception they have of you, and the story you tell through your actions, words, and appearance. Essentially, it's your professional identity.

Clothing Choices, Style, and Colours

When it comes to personal branding, the clothes you wear, your style, and the colours you choose play a significant role. They are the visual cues that speak volumes about who you are and what you represent. Whether you realise it or not, people form judgments and make assumptions based on your appearance within seconds of meeting you, in person or through a video call.  Your clothing choices can convey professionalism, confidence, creativity, and authority.

When you walk into a room wearing clothes that fit and flatter you,  in a colour that works for you,  you immediately command attention. You have confidence and competence without saying a word. If you show up in clothes that are sloppy, ill fitting, inappropriate for the occasion, or in a colour that makes you look washed out,  it can undermine your credibility and professionalism.

Confidence and Influence

When you feel good about how you look, it naturally boosts your self-esteem and confidence. Dressing in a way that reflects your personal style and aligns with your professional image can give you that extra spring in your step, that sense of empowerment that says, "I've got this."

Confidence is key when your goal is to influence others in the workplace. Whether you're pitching a new idea, leading a team, or networking with industry peers, your personal brand sets the tone for how others perceive you and how receptive they are to your message. This is the same whether it is in person or online. When you project authenticity and professionalism through your appearance, people are more likely to trust and respect you, paving the way for greater influence and impact.

How to get Intentional about your Personal Brand

As I said earlier, you have a personal brand whether you are intentional about it or not. However you choose to turn up will influence what others think about you. If you are in a position of leadership, you are the leader of your business, lead a team of 1 or 1000 in your workplace or have to convince people to buy into your idea / project, then be intentional about influencing what they think about you. Be the best version of yourself. 

A personal stylist will help  you identify the colours that suit you best, help you with the styles that flatter your body shape, pick up on your style personality and help you determine what you might need to add into your existing collection of clothes. 

Invest in quality pieces that fit well and make you feel confident. Pay attention to details like accessories, grooming, and overall presentation. Personal branding is an ongoing process, it is not about following the trends for the sake of it, it's about evolving and adapting while staying true to yourself.

Your personal brand is a powerful asset that can help you be influential, build connections, and propel your career or your business forward. By leveraging the way you dress, your style, and the colours you choose, you can create a lasting impression that sets you apart.

Embrace the power of your personal brand. Be Intentional and be the best version of yourself.

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