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perfect wardrobe

Wardrobe Edit

July 11, 20243 min read

What's in your wardrobe?

Have a look inside your wardrobe. What do you see, what do you think, what do you feel? 

One of the most common things I get asked to help with is to sort out wardrobes. Why? 

Chances are it's full of stuff you don't wear, don't want to wear, have never worn. You cant find the things you want to wear because its too full. Not to mention the pile of shoes and other random crap in the bottom and at the top. You can't find everything, it's too full and it makes you feel overwhelmed.

You have to get dressed everyday, so why not change what you see. Each time you open your wardrobe it should be a delight, not a dread.

Here are 7 simple tips for getting clear on what is in your wardrobe.

1. Book an afternoon out, this could take some time

2. Take out the stuff that doesn't belong in the wardrobe. Anything that isn't clothes or accessories. No one wants to be faced with suitcases, bedding, old curtains, stuff that you're hiding in there. You want your clothes in there and that is all.  

3. Have a look at all of your clothes. Every single individual piece of clothing in there. Does it make your heart sing? Do you love it? If it's just ok but not great, take it out. You deserve to get dressed in the things you love. If it doesn't fit, and doesn't make you feel fabulous when you put it on, it doesn't deserve to be there. Anything to bin - take it to the recycling centre. Anything to sell - photograph and list it. Anything to donate - bag it and take it to the charity shop.

4. Pull out anything that you do love, that does look great and if it needs fixing - get it fixed. Be intentional, if it’s not fixed within two weeks, it’s not going back in your wardrobe.

5 Buy some beautiful storage boxes. Often we do have clothes that mean something but more often than not those memories are stuffed somewhere in the back of the wardrobe or in a draw, never see the light of day but are cluttering up your wardrobe space as well as your head space. If you create a memory box then all of the memory based clothes that you are not ready to get rid of can go in the box and you can look and feel as often as you want.

6. Buy beautiful hangers. No one should have hangers from the dry cleaners in their wardrobe and I don't advocate plastic hangers either. If you can lay your hands on wooden hangers then how beautiful is that, to have everything in your wardrobe on a wooden hanger, that looks so delightful when you open the door each morning. Wooden hangers will help protect your clothes and help them last longer. (Ikea do a pack of 10 for a reasonable price.)

7. Create some order in your wardrobe. Different things work for different people so you decide. Colour order, garment order, outfit order. I personally keep all the tops at one end and then the trousers, skirts and dresses.

8. Don't abandon your accessories. Bring them to order too, you need to see what you have and they need to be cared for.  

What will all this achieve? It means you don't open your wardrobe every morning to chaos. You know you can see everything you have and you can plan ahead for what you will wear. You will save so much time and energy not having to over think what to wear because you can see it, see what works and easily access it. 

Too much to do yourself? I'd love to help. Contact me and we can work though it together!

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Do you...

  • have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear

  • have an event you to attend and think you need to buy something new?

  • want to look fabulous using what you already have?

If you answered 'Yes!' to any of these, you need my 7 Day Style Challenge to get you back on track!

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