Welcome to The Style Architect

I'm Jan, The Style Architect. I'm here to help;

• Women who run their own business

• Women who are leaders in their organisations.

• Women who are influential.

• Women who make a difference.

• Women who want to be visible.

You are a woman that knows herself and wants to invest in herself.

BUT You struggle with what is in your wardrobe.

If your wardrobe isn't saving you time and making you money, its not working for you

You want clarity in your wardrobe, your want to elevate your personal brand, you want to be the best version of yourself.

Your Personal Stylist

You know your stuff, you are an expert in your field and you know you need to elevate your personal brand. I can't wait to help you open up a whole new world of colour and style.

I have always loved clothes, I've made my own clothes since I was 10 years old, I had a business as a Dressmaker before Personal Styling took over.

I have always put different outfits together, having fun with colour, patterns and texture. I have a minimal wardrobe myself but my outfits are ever changing.

I love to help women understand how to style their body shape, women who can't see that they have style, and women who have a wardrobe full of clothes but barely wear any of them!

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.

~ Rachel Zoe

How did you get here?

I'm excited that you discovered me.

You have a wardrobe full of clothes and struggle to put together an interesting collection of outfits. You would like to make the most of what you have, cut out the overwhelm you feel every time you open the doors and get some clarity in what you can wear to run your business, be a leader, be influential and make a difference.

I am not about telling you everything in your wardrobe is wrong and needs to be replaced. It's likely you have what you need and far more besides. I am passionate about making the most of what you have, re-inventing it, recreating new combinations and only buying new items that will tie a number of things together. If you need the extras to elevate your wardrobe then I'm all about small independents with ethically sourced clothing. If you're after fast fashion, I'm not the stylist for you.

When you are being the best version of you, I want you to have no thought about what you are wearing because it's all been taken care of. I want to save you time, money and energy because with your knowledge about how to use colour, how to dress your body shape and your very own style you will stop spending money on clothes you never wear, save time getting dressed every day and save the mental energy procrastinating on what to wear and where to find it.

How I can help you

Style Solutions

Colour | Style | Wardrobe | Shop.

A Wardrobe Edit with direction on great colour and style. Find the solutions in everything you already have.

Signature Style

My premium package for a fully personalised style revolution. Over 12 weeks we work together to uncover your Signature Style. Your colour palette, unique body shape and style and edit your wardrobe.

Seasonal Style

Your own personal stylist to cut out the overwhelm. Offering support, guidance, and personalised updates .

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Are you visible in your brand?

July 12, 20244 min read

Are you Visible in Your Brand?

Branding your business is important to your success, you spend an age carefully selecting the colours, the logo, the website design, the social media images and the business cards. But what about your branding photoshoot? 

People buy from people and your image within all of your branding is key. 

Are you visible throughout your branding? 

On reimagining my own business I knew my own personal brand had to be the golden thread to run through all of my branding and marketing. Having had a successful brand shoot which has resulted in a gallery of great images I can use and re-purpose for so many different marketing touch points here is my experience and my top tips for preparing for your business branding photo shoot.

My Experience

Finding a photographer was relatively straightforward although knowing I wanted a personal branding shoot helped. I spoke to a few and chose Maira. I was drawn in the first place to Maira’s website - its all about the branding! We had a conversation and I felt a connection, her enthusiasm, knowledge and reassurance was great. 

I completed Maira’s questionnaire and then we began to plan. I created a Pinterest Board so Maira knew what I liked and to generate ideas between us. For the location, there are many options but I chose to have the shoot at  my home studio and around the house and garden.  

Planning wasn’t just about the location and the type of photos. I had to think about bits and pieces to help me stage the images, tidy my studio, sort out the hair, the nail and the brows, and of course, planning what to wear. 

The package I chose allowed for some outfit changes so I spent some time reviewing what I had, buying in one or two pieces to work with my theme and planned the day before what I was going to wear and in what order. I had everything ready to hand. 

On the day I had a friend and my daughter to help and be my clients in the images. I was really nervous, this was completely outside my comfort zone and having people who know you well there to help and potentially be in the images, really helped me. 

As soon as Maira arrived I knew it was going to be fine, she put me at ease and helped me settle into the process. As a top rate introvert she definitely had a job on her hands to help me relax into this most unnatural process. 

So my top tips for prepping for your branding photos are: 

  • Do your research, find a photographer who offers what you want and that you really connect with.

  • Decide on the type of images you want - basic headshots through to amazing lifestyle and business images 

  • Plan: A branding photographer will want to capture your brand, they will help you identify suitable locations and the style of images.

  • Prepare: Think about your own personal presentation, your own personal brand along side your business brand. This is about you, you want to feel like yourself.

  • Plan your outfits. Go through your wardrobe and pick out the things you want to wear and the clothes that work with your business brand image. It helps to know your very best colours, and the styles that fit and flatter you.

  • Be natural, be yourself, be the best version of yourself but don't forget about all of the grooming elements. Plan ahead and make appointments in good time.

  • Have support on the day. Someone to be in the images with you and someone to help with props and dressing. Its not totally necessary but I found it really helped me. 

It took me a while to settle into the shoot but I ended having an amazing time and learned so much. I am grateful to Maira for being in total control of the situation and helping me every step of the was and I’m grateful to my friend who help put me at ease throughout and my daughter to set things up and generally keep things moving in the background, 

If you are considering having a brand photoshoot I highly recommend it. I also want to help you.

How about a colour consultation before your shoot and a helping hand to go through your wardrobe to identify the best outfits that work for you and your brand. I can even be there on the day to help with your outfit changes and styling. 

Contact me or book a discovery if you’d like some help.  

personal brandingbrand photographerphotoshootperparation
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Not sure where to start?


Do you...

  • have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear

  • have an event you to attend and think you need to buy something new?

  • want to look fabulous using what you already have?

If you answered 'Yes!' to any of these, you need my 7 Day Style Challenge to get you back on track!


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